Signal converter transonic start-stop >>> Analog / Serial / Parallel
In addition to the displays with start-stop interface, motrona also offers signal converters for converting transonic signals. The portfolio includes converters that convert transonic start-stop signals into analog, serial or parallel signals. Like all of our transmitters, the devices guarantee excellent conversion times and precise signal conversion. They combine these properties in a compact and space-saving housing.
Signal converter with start-stop input for absolute transducers and magnetostrictive sensors and parallel output (binary, gray code or BCD format).
- Start-stop interface (Start_Stop, / Start_Stop); (Init_In, / Init_In); (Init_Out, / Init_Out)
- 3 control inputs (hold) for PNP signals [10 ... 30 VDC]
- 25-bit parallel output push-pull in BCD, binary or Gray code
The PV210 extends our product segment of transonic signals by a converter that transforms start-stop signals into analog or serial signals.
- Start-stop interface for absolute transducers and magnetostrictive sensors
- Adjustable frequency of the init pulses from 62.5 Hz to 5 kHz
- Analog output ± 10 V, 0/4 ... 20 mA, 16 bit
- USB interface and RS232/RS485-interface for configuration and serial readout